Session Submission Summary

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Action Space for School Reform: Taking Stock of Philadelphia, the 1990s and Today

Sat, April 5, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Convention Center, Floor: 100 Level, 114

Session Type: Symposium


This symposium brings together designers of 1990s Philadelphia school reform, researchers and journalists who documented their efforts, and veteran scholars of urban school reform. Through a critical conversation, the group will take stock of Children Achieving and other 1990s Philadelphia school reform efforts. The opening paper of the session will introduce action-space theory, a structural/strategic approach to understanding how a particular constellation of capacities creates the space in which reformers can innovate to improve schools. The panel of historical actors will discuss how well the theory explains what occurred two decades ago and what is happening in Philadelphia today. Our two discussants will offer assessments of the theory and its usefulness for current innovators tackling persistent issues of urban education.

Sub Unit

