Paper Summary

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Language Policy Development and Implementation in the Multilingual Classroom: Case Studies of International Baccalaureate Schools

Sun, April 19, 4:05 to 6:05pm, Swissotel, Floor: Event Centre Second Level, Vevey 3


International Baccalaureate (IB) schools take a multilingual approach to language use and learning to provide students with a rich educational foundation that promotes intercultural awareness, international-mindedness, and global citizenship. A key component of supporting this approach is a dynamic school language policy that reflects a particular school’s students, families, and community. Through document analysis, interviews, and classroom observations, this study examined language policy development and implementation and explored how eight schools’ cultural and linguistic context is influential in the multiple facets of policymaking that take place in IB schools. By bringing school language policy into focus, this project aims to support schools as they navigate language policy development and implementation as well as highlight its omnipresence in learning environments.
