Session Submission Summary

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4360 - Mobilizing for and Against Violence in Pursuit of Social Justice

Tue, August 13, 12:30 to 2:10pm, Sheraton New York, Floor: Third Floor, Liberty 1

Session Submission Type: Paper Session 100min


This panel explores how states and social movements mobilize for and against violence in the pursuit of social justice. We demonstrate how violence is legitimated by claims to morality, justice, humanitarianism, dignity, and threat, as well as the complexities inherent in responding to violence, such that one person’s mobilization for redress or self-defense may be another’s experience of brutality. In light of the rise of state violence, civil war, terrorism, and minority victimization in recent years, this panel addresses pressing empirical and theoretical concerns central to the 2019 ASA theme of Engaging Social Justice for a Better World.

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