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ATE 2013 Annual Meeting
The 2013 Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators will be held in Atlanta, Georgia at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge. The theme selected by President Ann Shelly is Living and Learning across a Lifetime.

Infants are born learning. Children learn every day and about everything even if they are not taught. Adolescents learn in and out of school and often learn things we would rather they did not, but they learn. College students learn in and out of class. Adults, as they make their way into the world, learn about themselves and others, about the world of work, and about the world around them. As humans age, they continue to learn, most frequently in unintended ways. Seniors continue to learn and begin to focus on inner and outer relationships. Learning and teaching are not synonyms – both take place in formal and informal settings, in personal and social settings, and on the internet in Facebook, Wikipedia, and the whole range of information sources. Learning across the lifespan has a very real focus on the development of the individual with the goal of a "life well lived." How can we focus on the whole individual -- living and learning as an organism with a goal of living life well in an interconnected and highly diverse world?
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