Individual Submission Summary

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Keeping “Women” Alive by Letting Women be Killed

Fri, Nov 13, 8:00 to 9:15am, Wisconsin Center, 201B


This paper explores how femicide is justified and resisted in the Turkish context. Using critical discourse analysis, I demonstrate how “women” is produced as a universal category with conservative/patriarchal/neoliberal standards, which determine who is justifiably killable. All (perceived) members of the category can be “legitimate” targets of fatal violence, despite their differences in performing/be(com)ing “women.” To explain this paradox I suggest using a theoretical framework, combining seriality (Young), necropolitics (Mbembe), governmentality (Foucault) and intersectionality (Crenshaw), that accounts for both the systematic/comprehensive nature of violence and differential distribution of precariousness among “women.”
