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4S Annual Meeting 2009 - Abstract and Session Submissions
The annual meeting of the 4S will take place in the Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, just across the Potomac River from Washington D.C. Those staying at the hotel will have access to a free shuttle to/from Washington National Airport(DCA) as well as to the subway where it is a short ride to the city center. (There is no free transportation provided to/from either Dulles Airport(IAD) or Baltimore-Washington Airport (BWI) as they are far from the hotel.)

The conference welcomes contributions on topics from the range of fields found within science and technology studies. This year's conference will not have a predetermined theme. Consequently, proposals for sessions and papers should emphasize how they will make innovative and timely contributions to any theme relevant to science and technology studies (STS).

To be considered for inclusion, abstracts and session proposals must be received by Deadline extended: March 15, 2009.

For further details, visit the Meeting Home page:

Program Chairs:

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