Individual Submission Summary

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Neo-Nationalism as a “Restoration” Movement

Sat, April 2, 10:45am to 12:45pm, Washington State Convention Center, Floor: 6th Floor, Room 614


This paper examines the close connection between the Association of Shintō Shrines (Jinja Honchō) and the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), and their collaborative efforts to “recover” or “restore” what was destroyed during the Allied Occupation of Japan. In 1969, the Association established the League Promoting Ties between Politics and Shintō (Shintō Seiji Renmei) to recruit LDP politicians to their cause and bring their political agenda to the Diet for action. The number of LDP politicians affiliated with this organization has increased significantly since the disasters of 1995 and 2011, and today includes Prime Minister Abe Shinzō, 84 percent of the Abe Cabinet, and some 37 percent of the total Diet membership. During the administrations of the last eight LDP governments, one can document a renewed effort to support the agenda of Jinja Honchō, including legislation to restore and strengthen patriotic education in public schools, promotion of “official” Yasukuni Shrine visits, and proposals to revise the Constitution. Both religious and secular groups have emerged in opposition to these neonationalistic initiatives in an attempt to preserve the postwar gains in democratic institutions and prevent the erosion of individual rights.
