Individual Submission Summary

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Primary Education in India: Evidence and Practice

Sat, April 2, 5:15 to 7:15pm, Washington State Convention Center, Floor: 3rd Floor, Room 305


To reap the demographic dividend we need a well-trained and productive labor force. How do we measure the quality of the labour force? Do years of schooling adequately capture this quality? Does enrolment translate into learning? While, it is important to build skills at all levels, unless the basic foundations of primary education are built for all, additional human capital accumulation is going to be constrained. And, the available evidence on learning outcomes indicates that India is far away from the goal of guaranteeing “education” for all children. We review this evidence from two major sources – Pratham’s ASER surveys (2006-13) and the Inside Primary Schools study. We then present some of the interventions this evidence has prompted and how successful they have been in improving learning outcomes.
