Paper Summary

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Teachers’ Perspectives of the Florida College and Career Readiness Initiative

Thu, April 3, 12:00 to 1:30pm, Convention Center, Floor: 100 Level, 115C


The Florida College and Career Readiness Initiative (FCCRI) is a statewide policy that consists of testing to determine college readiness in 11th grade and participation in college readiness and success courses in 12th grade for students who do not test college-ready. This presentation focuses on one part of a five-year evaluation of the FCCRI by providing results from a qualitative analysis of a series of small group discussions with teachers of college readiness and success courses throughout the state of Florida. Topics include perceived strengths and weaknesses of the FCCRI, impediments to program implementation, and recommendations for reducing these impediments. We will conclude with a discussion of the policy implications and next steps in the evaluation of the FCCRI.
