Paper Summary

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ChemVLab+: Simulation-Based Lab Activities to Support Chemistry Learning

Sat, April 5, 8:15 to 9:45am, Convention Center, Floor: 100 Level, 113B


ChemVLab+ aims to promote the development of conceptual understanding and science inquiry skills in chemistry through online activities that allow students to explore a flexible, multimedia virtual chemistry lab environment. Students connect procedural knowledge of mathematical formalisms with authentic chemistry learning by designing and carrying out experiments. We will present the research-based design principles of scientifically relevant contexts, mapping multiple representations and formative assessment with feedback to improve student learning in chemistry and report findings from our pilot test in a wide-range of school settings.

The ChemVLab+ project derives its theoretical framework from research in chemistry education and the cognitive and learning sciences to the design of the activities. We use real world scenarios that require the application of science practice skills as research in chemistry education shows that authentic and contextualized practice promotes learning in chemistry classrooms (Cuadros, Leinhardt, & Yaron, 2007). We create activities for students to map different representations (formulas, diagrams, pictures and graphs), as active engagement in processing and linking representations supports student learning (e.g., Clark & Mayer, 2011). Finally, we use multiple layers of formative assessment with intelligent tutor based hints and reports for teachers as research demonstrates the efficacy of that feedback with explanations (e.g., Pashler et al., 2007).

In the current study we explored whether four ChemVlab+ activities on the topic of stoichiometry, improve student outcomes in chemistry in diverse California high school settings. Thirteen teachers with 1334 students participated in the study. In the current analyses, we include data from 1185 students that completed both pre and posttests. Teachers attended a 3-hour professional development workshop about the use of the activities and study requirements. Students completed pretests, used the four activities in the course of normal classroom instruction, and completed posttests.

A range of data were collected through teacher logs, student demographics, classroom observations, and pre and posttests. For comparability, the same assessment was used as a pre and posttest and was made up of 15 multiple choice and open-ended items that were scored for a possible total of 27 points. Items were researcher-generated or selected from released standardized tests, and were validated by IRT analyses in field testing. In addition, all student actions in the open-ended learning environment were logged.

Results from an ANOVA revealed that posttest scores were significantly greater than pretest scores F(1,2369) = 386.04, p < .001. Cohen’s d = .49 revealing a medium sized-effect. Though students were not randomly assigned to condition, ongoing analyses using educational data-mining techniques provide additional support for the claim that the activities improve science learning outcomes.

New learning tools are needed as the aims of science instruction move beyond acquiring factual information to applying science practices to solve authentic problems. The scholarly significance of the ChemVLab+ project is the iterative process for developing these learning tools as well as research to support the efficacy of the use of simulation-based learning environments.
