Paper Summary

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Classroom Experiences of Students Preparing for a High-Stakes National Public Examination in Trinidad and Tobago

Fri, April 4, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Convention Center, Floor: 200 Level, Hall E


Countries in the Anglophone Caribbean, such as Trinidad and Tobago, have chosen to retain a high-stakes national placement examination for entrance into secondary school. This study documents and analyses the experiences of 10-12 year old test takers preparing for this high-stakes examination. The theoretical framework for the evaluation study is built on washback theory and the consequential basis of validity. The study employs multiple qualitative methods to capture the experience from the test-taker’s perspective. The methods are diaries, focus groups, drawings, photovoice and photo elicitation. These approaches privilege test taker agency along with personal and social consciousness, with the child therefore considered as meaning maker in test preparation and test taking.
