Paper Summary

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Latina Parental Involvement: Contributions to Persistence in STEM Fields

Sun, April 6, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Convention Center, Floor: Terrace Level, Terrace IV


This paper is a subset of a research study which examines the lived experiences of three Latinas (Dalia, Laurita, and Karmen) as related to their educational resilience and persistence generally as well as specifically in STEM fields. Through a sociocultural framework (Lemke, 2001), this research demonstrates that, based on the participants’ experiences, Latino parents are highly engaged in their daughters’ education through establishing a culture of high expectations, in delivering constant emotional support and trust in their daughters’ decision-making processes, and in providing traditionally-conceived and sought-after types of school-based “parental involvement” (Goodall & Vorhaus, 2011). This work challenges deficit perspectives of Latino parental involvement in schooling, highlighting instead sociocultural strengths contributing to Latina girls’ persistence in STEM fields.
