Session Submission Summary

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Clinical Approaches to Teacher Education: Connecting Research in Ireland, the United States, Scotland, and Australia

Fri, April 4, 8:15 to 9:45am, Convention Center, Floor: 100 Level, 113A

Session Type: Symposium


This symposium examines the premises on which recent “clinical” teacher education programs are founded. Four research studies, conducted in Ireland, the USA, Scotland and Australia, are presented as a sequenced narrative from the policy discourse/s framing teacher education to the rationale, implementation, and evaluation of clinical approaches to teacher pre-service education. The designation of pre-service teacher education as “clinical” is both advocated and explicated. The symposium provides the opportunity to compare the evocative metaphors in which the goals of clinical teacher education programs are encrypted internationally and the role of such metaphors in shaping program implementation and evaluation. International comparison subjects the coherence of the resultant narrative (rationale and implementation) to scrutiny unencumbered by locally-shared assumptions and priorities.

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