Session Submission Summary

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International School Boards in the Governance Process

Sun, April 6, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Convention Center, Floor: 100 Level, 118A

Session Type: Symposium


The symposium participants share findings from an international collaborative research project which examined, compared, and contrasted educational governance systems in the Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Data from a previous national study of school board members and superintendents from the United States is presented as a comparative. School board members and municipal superintendents were surveyed with identical, but culturally modified, survey instruments for each Nordic country. In addition to country reports on the survey outcomes, thematic data emerged through a comparative analysis including (a) control and trust, (b) power and influence, (c) quality assurance and satisfaction (d) politics, administration and professionalism, (e) democracy and ‘member knowledge’, (e) management and leadership, (f) multi-level governance, and (g) school board and superintendent relations.

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