Paper Summary

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The Research Question Frame: Why It Is Needed in Revealing the Dialogue in Mixed Methods Research

Sat, April 18, 8:15 to 9:45am, Hyatt, Floor: East Tower - Purple Level, Riverside West


Current tools and typologies of mixed methods designs are helpful, but are insufficient for revealing the dialogic process of multi- and mixed methods research. However, a conceptual tool called “the reference statement” can help achieve this. In a reference statement, the researcher explains the focus of the research and what he or she knows about this focus at the beginning of the study. After each intermediate research question is answered, the statement is revised, eventually evolving into the conclusion of the study. Additionally, it preserves the overview of the study and indicates whether—and how—research questions build upon one another. Finally, the reference statement allows the statements of relevant parties to be incorporated into the core of the research.
