Paper Summary

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Relational Reasoning in Figure and Word

Mon, April 20, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Sheraton, Floor: Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VII


Relational reasoning is the ability to derive meaningful patterns within any information stream. Despite its pivotal role, few measures have studied this process. To address this deficit, we constructed the Verbal Test of Relational Reasoning (vTORR). The vTORR consists of 32 linguistic items organized in four eight-item sales assessing analogical, anomalous, antonymous, and antithetical reasoning. Analyses showed the data from the vTORR to be reliable and valid indicators of relational reasoning in a linguistic context. Additionally, as predicted, vTORR performance was positively, strongly correlated with performance on its’ figural counterpart, the Test of Relational Reasoning (TORR) and moderately, positively correlated with performance on a measure of linguistic ability based on GRE vocabulary items.
