Paper Summary

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Social Scholars Follow-Up: Tweeting in the Conference Back Channel by Educational Researchers

Fri, April 17, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Sheraton, Floor: Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VII


Social media are fundamentally changing core practices in various industries (e.g., journalism, entertainment). Although surveys indicate that social media are impacting social scientists, we know little about how education scholars, specifically, use social media for their work or professional learning. This paper describes how and why educational researchers incorporated the social media, Twitter, as a conference backchannel. Using qualitative interview data collected from AERA participants (faculty, graduate students, and others) and tweet data, we describe trends in Twitter usage at the AERA annual meeting and the impact of tweeting on participants’ meeting experience and dissemination of research. Insights will benefit scholars concerned with integrating technology in faculty development and the changing nature of their professional identity, socialization, and research dissemination.
