Paper Summary

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Formal Off-the-Job Training That Fosters Qualities of Experience, Cognitive Activity, and Learning Outcomes

Fri, April 17, 8:15 to 10:15am, Sheraton, Floor: Second Level, Michigan A


Formal off-the-job training is a crucial element of commercial vocational education and training (VET). Its main subject “Economics & Society” (E&S) aims at developing economic competence and motivation for life-long learning, both requirements for skilled employees. To date, however, only little is known about learning processes fostering these desired outcomes. Thus, this study focuses on E&S-instruction at Swiss commercial VET schools and its interdependency with qualities of experience, cognitive activity and learning outcomes. By means of standardized questionnaires and tests, 1483 commercial apprentices were surveyed. Preliminary results show that achievement-oriented, motivation-oriented and motivation-achievement-oriented classes differ significantly in the apprentices’ perception of instructional features. An upcoming video study within a subsample (N=182) will follow to elaborate these results.
