Paper Summary

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Case Study of a Student-Athlete's Self-Regulated Learning in Sport and Academics

Sun, April 19, 8:15 to 9:45am, Hyatt, Floor: East Tower - Purple Level, Riverside West


Student-athletes achieve academically at levels similar to their non-athlete peers. Considering self-regulated learning (SRL) is positively linked with performance in sports and academics, a potential explanation for athletes’ academic success is that SRL may transfer between contexts. Case study was used to explore similarities and differences in SRL processes of a student-athlete in sport and academic contexts. Semi-structured interview data, video-stimulated recall interviews, and journals were collected for a male, elite Dutch table tennis player enrolled in first year of university. Coding of the data was both theory-driven and data-driven. While the student-athlete engaged all phases of regulation in both contexts, he demonstrated a more proactive approach and a closer relationship with his coach in sports than in academics.
