Paper Summary

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Partners in Learning: Facilitating Service-Learning Opportunities for Universities and K–12 Institutions

Thu, April 16, 12:00 to 1:30pm, Sheraton, Floor: Fourth Level, Chicago VI&VII


Building partnerships between institutions provides opportunities for educators and students to grow and learn. This qualitative study, which describes a service-learning partnership between a Mid-Atlantic university and two private, urban high schools, examined the perspectives of those engaged in the service experience (professors, service enactors, and service recipients). Literature related to service-learning as it relates to privilege and voice frames this research. Findings revealed that communication and consistency are critical to the development of the service-learning partnership, relationship building engenders growth of both service enactors and recipients, service-learning allows for practical application of course content, and all shareholders come to recognize commonalities in their differences. The results of this study provide insight into developing effective service-learning partnerships.
