Paper Summary

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A New Reporting Guideline for Trials of Social and Psychological Interventions: Applications to Education Research

Sat, April 18, 8:15 to 9:45am, Marriott, Floor: Sixth Level, Illinois


Background: An imperative exists to identify effective interventions for education. However, trial reports often omit important information needed for applying research evidence in decision-making.

Objective: To discuss an extension of the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement for social and psychological interventions: CONSORT-SPI.

Methods: First, a systematic review of existing guidance for reporting trials was conducted. Then, a Delphi process of 384 participants generated a list of reporting items. Lastly, international stakeholders voted on guideline content during a consensus meeting.

Results: A checklist and users manual provide detailed advice for reporting trials in education and related disciplines.

Significance: This guideline is an important step toward improving trial reports in education and enhancing research-informed decision-making in policy and practice.
