Paper Summary

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What's the Technology For? Teacher Attention and Pedagogical Goals in a Modeling-Focused Professional Development Workshop

Sat, April 18, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Marriott, Floor: Fourth Level, Armitage


Science education is often criticized for avoiding the ‘messy’ nature of modeling practice. We investigate how preservice elementary teachers view technological tools as a way to navigate this messy landscape. We analyze patterns in how 11 participating teachers engage in and attend to content, representation, revision, and evaluation as interwoven modeling practices during a professional development workshop using a multimodal technological modeling toolkit. Different teacher groups attended to different practices for different purposes: using the technology to teach modeling (cycles of modeling, revision, evaluation), to engage learners with one another’s ideas (content, modeling), or to reveal student ideas (content). These differences reflected teachers’ pedagogical needs and commitments, and point to an expanded role for technology-mediated modeling in K-12 classroom settings.
