Paper Summary

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Navigating the Institutional Review Board Process in Educational and Psychological Research

Sun, April 19, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Hyatt, Floor: West Tower - Bronze Level, Buckingham


For many researchers, navigating the institutional review board (IRB) process is an exercise in compliance for studies involving human subjects. Although researchers know they must comply with regulations concerning the protection of human subjects, they might understand just enough regulations to achieve IRB approval, yet without understanding why their IRB committee asked for clarifications or changes to their study. Researchers might be unaware, for example, that the Common Rule allows certain exemptions or that investigators can conduct the informed consent process online using electronic signatures. This paper demystifies the IRB process for researchers by (a) providing a step-by-step guide of the IRB process while (b) identifying useful provisions that could expedite the IRB process for research involving human subjects.
