Paper Summary

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Democratic Assessment as Action Research

Fri, April 17, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Hyatt, Floor: East Tower - Purple Level, Riverside West


Practitioner research projects in early childhood centres in New Zealand indicate that when teachers include children’s voices in their formative assessments, and make them available for revisiting by children and families in portfolios, the children are recognised as teachers, authors and researchers too. This is illustrated using examples from projects in two early childhood (0-5 year-olds) settings: a kōhanga reo (a language immersion centre where only Māori, the indigenous language, is spoken) and a state-funded kindergarten housed in the national museum. In both settings narrative assessments – Learning Stories or Paki Ako – are connected to the framework of principles and outcomes in Te Whāriki, the national bicultural and bilingual early childhood curriculum.
