Session Submission Summary

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35.013 - Building Career Pathways for Justice-Oriented, Community-Engaged Scholars: A Dialogue on Race, Justice, and the Academy - Interactive Town Hall Session

Fri, April 17, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Hyatt, Floor: West Tower - Gold Level, Regency C

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


This session features an interactive town hall that responds to the growing demand from early career scholars and graduate students for institutionally-recognized career pathways that are rooted in ethical, democratic, collaborative relationships with community members. Justice-oriented collaborative research rests on the belief that people who experience the consequences of injustice should play leading roles in university-community partnerships that document, inquire, and take action to address these issues. Scholars who take this approach, many of whom are scholars of color and others addressing racial equity issues, face obstacles from the dominant norms and practices of higher education. This session features a racially diverse group of panelists who will highlight the racial justice implications of collaborative, community-based research and discuss their own experiences building careers in the academy as justice-oriented scholars. The session is co-sponsored by the Urban Research Based Action Network and will offer opportunities for continued networking and professional development for justice-oriented early career scholars.

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