Session Submission Summary

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66.036 - A Major Assessment Literacy Campaign Aimed at Parents, Policy Makers, and Students

Sun, April 19, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Marriott, Floor: Fifth Level, Chicago ABC

Session Type: Symposium


The National Assessment Governing Board, in collaboration with the National Center for Education Statistics, is undertaking a major effort to promote assessment literacy for parents, policymakers, and students. This highly interactive symposium will describe the exciting new project and will also present contemplated implementation options. During small-group and large-group discussions, attendees will supply reactions to ongoing elements, particularly intervention activities, of the assessment-literacy campaign. Because many AERA members, and particularly those affiliated with Division H, are currently encountering not only misunderstandings regarding educational tests, but also an increasingly vitriolic backlash against the use of any educational tests whatsoever, the proposed session’s assessment-literacy focus will be timely indeed.

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