Session Submission Summary

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31.062 - Exploring Counternarratives of Women of Color: Uncovering Silences in Educational Contexts

Fri, April 17, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Marriott, Floor: Third Level, Dupage

Session Type: Symposium


In this session, a group of emerging scholars centers the perspectives of women of color within educational contexts by framing their experiences as counter-narratives to dominant White, middle-class norms. We theorize the existing silences circulating in educational scholarship and praxis that prevent the lived experiences of women of color from taking center-stage. In our theorizations, we turn to Critical Race Theory, Black Feminist Theory, and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy. These frames allow us to explore the lived experiences of a diverse cross-section of women of color including immigrant women, biracial women, and Black women in TESOL. Collectively, we position the experiences of women of color within conversations about disrupting dominant educational narratives and discourses that give little credence to their perspectives.

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