Session Submission Summary

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31.032 - Conflict, Complexity, and Devastation: Whiteness and White Racial Identities in Education

Fri, April 17, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Marriott, Floor: Sixth Level, Lincolnshire

Session Type: Symposium


Multicultural and critical pedagogy scholars have begun to worry that the very way that whiteness and white racial identities have been conceptualized has contributed to our educational failures with white people. The purpose of this symposium is to build nuanced descriptions of, and theoretical insights about, the complexities and conflicts at the heart of whiteness and white racial identities. Our emphasis on complexity and conflict is not meant to distract from the realities of individual white racism and a larger white-supremacist U.S. context. Instead, our work is motivated by the question of what is to be done to work more effectively with white people. We seek to illuminate and remain attentive to the pedagogical possibilities of complexity and conflict.

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