Session Submission Summary

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66.077 - Systems Thinking in Individual-, School-, and District-Level Change, Innovation, and Policy

Sun, April 19, 4:05 to 6:05pm, Marriott, Floor: Fourth Level, Clark

Session Type: Paper Session


The Systems Thinking in Education SIG is delighted to present four outstanding papers: Paper 1 examines artifacts of learning, change, and community involvement through the products of students and the utterances posted on social media from students, teachers, and the community. Paper 2 seeks to enhance our understanding of districts that are implementing sustainable professional learning in data-driven decision making to improve student achievement. Paper 3 presents a computer simulation model of the early childhood development factors that explain the differential readiness for school of children from different family backgrounds. And, finally Paper 4 explores the development of Cradle-to-Career policy initiatives throughout the United States.

Sub Unit

