Paper Summary

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Arizona Language Policy in Practice: The Unique Role of Community Organizations and Organizers

Mon, April 11, 4:30 to 6:30pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 144 C


The most restrictive language policy context in the United States, Arizona’s monolingual and prescriptive approach to teaching English learners, referred to as English language development, continues to capture national and international attention. Now five school years removed from the initial implementation, this study provides a holistic picture of the complexities of Arizona language policy and practice in classrooms and communities across the state, using perspectives and experiences of individuals engaged in the policy work. This paper specifically analyzes the unique and agentive role of community organizers and their influence on EL education in the restrictive policy context. Implications target educational stakeholders seeking to understand a more holistic, community-based approach to improving language policy and practice for diverse students.
