Paper Summary

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Exploring the Role of Linguistic Factors in the Performance of English Learners on Science Assessments

Tue, April 12, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Three, Ballroom B


Research shows that non-English primary language speakers do not perform as well as English-speaking students on large-scale academic tests. Assessments associated with innovations, like the Next Generation Science Standards, must account for factors that affect EL student understanding and test performance. This paper uses AAAS Project 2061 field test data from over 100,000 students and 800 assessment items aligned to middle and early HS science content standards to determine (a) which linguistic factors play a role in differential performance on these items and (b) the extent to which differences in performance likely represent a true difference in learning. Given today’s high demand for sophisticated scientific discourse, this is necessary if underperforming students are to receive the instructional support they need.
