Paper Summary

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Preservice Teachers' Perspectives on Educational Uses of Twitter: A Comparative Study

Mon, April 11, 11:45am to 1:15pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 141


The purpose of this comparative study was to explore pre-service teacher (PST) perspectives on the social media platform Twitter. Participants (N=153) were students from two universities in Spain and the United States who used Twitter for a class assignment. The PSTs completed a survey regarding their perceptions of Twitter’s educational usefulness. A number of significant differences between Spanish and U.S. PSTs’ perspectives existed. Spanish PSTs were comparatively less enthusiastic about Twitter, and conceived of it primarily as a tool for information sharing and acquiring. U.S. PSTs saw Twitter as a more multi-faceted tool that could support discussion, collaboration, and community, and were more likely to anticipate a variety of different future professional uses of Twitter in their future teaching careers.
