Paper Summary

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Academic Emotions and Their Regulation via Emotional Intelligence

Tue, April 12, 8:15 to 10:15am, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 143 A


The focus of this presentation is on academic emotions, defined as emotions related to learning and achievement (part one). We also refer to the regulation of such emotions via emotional intelligence (part two) and outline important empirical findings in this field (in both parts).
In the first part, we outline the importance of academic emotions by referring to its strong effects on students’ self-regulated and lifelong learning, motivational orientations, achievement outcomes, decision-making (e.g., career-related decisions), and psychological well-being (e.g., Goetz & Hall, 2013). For underscoring the importance of specific discrete emotions we present data on its frequency and intensity in the classroom (e.g., enjoyment, anxiety, and boredom; Pekrun, Goetz, Frenzel, Barchfeld, & Perry, 2011). By referring to prominent component approaches (e.g., Scherer, 1984, 2000) we define academic emotions as multifaceted constructs and outline how they can be distinguished from other related variables like mood, well-being, motivation, and interest. Related to the definition and conceptualization of emotions we differentiate trait (habitual) vs. state (momentary) emotions and outline why mean levels of both types of emotions typically differ and how this discrepancy can be explained. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of different ways of assessing academic emotions by the use of different types of self-reports (e.g., Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale [PANAS], Academic Emotions Questionnaire [AEQ]), physiological measures (e.g., skin conductance), imaging techniques (e.g., functional magnetic resonance imaging [fMRI]), and analyzing facial expressions (e.g., via the Facial Action Coding System [FACS]). We further describe the relations between academic emotions and core variables as outlined in Pekrun’s control-value theory (2006; Pekrun & Perry, 2014). By doing so, we refer to the effects (e.g., on achievement) and appraisal antecedents (e.g., control and value cognitions) of academic emotions.

In the second part of the presentation, we outline how students can regulate their academic emotions in a goal directed way. We especially focus on emotional intelligence (EI) as a central competency for regulating academic emotions. After an overview on existing programs for fostering EI (e.g. the PATHS program – Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) a comprehensive model for the Promotion of Emotional Intelligence in Learning and Achievement Situations (the PEILAS model) as developed by the authors will be described. First, we outline how EI is defined within the PEILAS model by referring to classical definitions of EI (e.g., Mayer and Salovey, 1997). Then, we describe the main assumptions of the model: The PEILAS model incorporates mainly approaches from the motivation research tradition in psychology, particularly facets of expectancy-value theory (Atkinson, 1964). Based on this tradition, the PEILAS model suggest to teach both controllability and value of emotions which are assumed to be necessary antecedents of students’ motivation to enhance EI. For developing high levels of EI skills, however, it is not sufficient to be motivated to enhance EI, it is also important to possess knowledge on the goal-directed regulation of emotions with such knowledge being outlined in the PEILAS model. Finally, we discuss concrete suggestions on how to foster EI in the classroom according to the model.
