Paper Summary

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Reconstructing History: African American Alumnae at the University of Public Good

Fri, April 8, 12:00 to 1:30pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Exhibit Hall D Section D


This study reports findings from an ongoing project that is collecting and examining the oral histories of African American alumnae from the University of Public Good (UPG). An interdisciplinary partnership between two faculty in the Engaged College of Education (Dr. X) and University Libraries (Dr. Y) collaborated to capitalize on a current institutional inclusive agenda to be a private university serving the public good. Issues related to archival gaps, silences, power, and privilege that exist in most predominately white institutions’ archives across the nation are discussed. We then situate the analysis of the oral histories within that broader context to discuss the significance of the themes. Implications for archivists, researchers, and community members are discussed.
