Paper Summary

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Metacognitive Feedback: How Teachers Foster Students' Metacognitive Skills

Sat, April 9, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Exhibit Hall D


The current study provides theoretical rationale and empirical evidence for a framework of teacher metacognitive practices. Our analyses document the variety of cues and prompts teachers use to help students acquire metacognitive skills and regulate their learning. Four metacognitive feedback (MCF) dimensions were identified and described: domain-general, domain-specific, task-specific, and explicit instruction. The most prominent MCF practices were task and domain-specific. Teacher general views of learning and teaching were strongly associated with MFC practices: teacher who endorsed a constructivist approached employed more MCF practices, and emphasized domain-general metacognitive skills. Our findings contribute to the developing field of metacognitive pedagogical practices, offer insights on the issues of generality and explicitness of instruction, and may inform teacher education policy and practice.
