Paper Summary

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Supporting Novice Teachers' Enactment and Reflection on Classroom Discourse Moves Through Practice-Based Coursework

Mon, April 11, 7:45 to 9:15am, Marriott Marquis, Floor: Level Two, Marquis Salon 15


This case study research follows four teacher candidates through their practice-based coursework that focuses on facilitating meaningful classroom discourse. Video recordings of their teaching practice comes from their methods course as well as their field placement. These recordings were transcribed and coded for five different discourse moves: revoicing; asking students to restate someone else’s reasoning; asking student to apply their own reasoning to someone else’s reasoning; prompting students for further participation; and using wait time. Findings show that all candidates used revoicing, but for different purposes and in drastically different frequencies; however, asking a student to restate someone else’s reasoning was rarely, if at all, used by the candidates.
