Paper Summary

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Assessing Institutional Supports for Community-Engaged Scholarship at Higher Education Institutions

Sun, April 10, 8:15 to 9:45am, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Exhibit Hall D Section C


Scholars who practice community-engaged scholarship (CES) often do so within institutional contexts in which policies and cultures that create standards and incentives for career advancement have not kept pace with changes in knowledge production and dissemination. Many campuses are reconsidering and revising reward structures to provide recognition for new forms of scholarship, including CES. This paper aims to identify effective practices with which to support, advance, and evaluate CES in higher education institutions. The authors consider what avenues exist within institutional structures to practice this kind of scholarship, and identify benefits to colleges, universities, and academic communities. The authors place special emphasis on a self-assessment rubric designed to advance a culture of CES at a college or school of education
