Paper Summary

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Professional Learning for Student-Involved Data Use

Sat, April 9, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Room 209 B


A recent trend in data-informed continuous improvement efforts is the practice of student-involved data use (SIDU), wherein teachers guide students in tracking and analyzing their own learning data. However, as SIDU is a newer emphasis in educational data use, research is scarce as to how teachers (preservice or veteran) develop the knowledge and skills required to engage students constructively. In this study, we draw on qualitative data from n=11 teachers across five school districts in Texas to explore the ways in which teachers learn about the strategies and tools associated with SIDU. Findings suggest multiple pathways for learning about SIDU, from formal training to informal conversations with colleagues; data also indicate gaps in professional learning specific to SIDU.
