Paper Summary

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The Effects of a Drama-Enhanced Professional Development Program on Preschool Teachers' Knowledge and Self-Efficacy

Fri, April 8, 12:00 to 1:30pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Exhibit Hall D Section D


Teachers of young children are currently feeling pressure and scrutiny to increase the academic outcomes of their students. They do not feel as if they are given the opportunity or have the ability to integrate drama and art into their teaching practices, even though they are aware of the importance of these developmentally appropriate activities. Throughout the course of two years, the Early Years Educators at Play (EYEPlay) study was conducted in thirty-two predominately low-income diverse preschool classroom settings. In this paper, we will show how this drama-enhanced professional development program assisted the participating preschool teachers in increasing their knowledge of early literacy standards and their sense of self-efficacy in their overall teaching practices.
