Paper Summary

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¡Yo Soy Xingona! Acts of Resistance and Power in the Lives of Undergraduate Latinas

Tue, April 12, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 152 A


In this paper, the personal narratives of 15 undergraduate Latina students from Illinois and California provide insight into ways they leverage co-curricular involvement as meaningful learning that is representative of their lived experiences and personal development. Utilizing a Chicana Feminist Epistemology, I introduce the Xingona Mindset as a form of resistance and that builds off of Yosso’s (2005) Community Cultural Wealth Model. I argue that co-curricular involvement provides the opportunity for students to activate a Xingona Mindset amidst issues of privilege, oppression, and marginalization experienced in their undergraduate careers. A Xingona Mindset becomes a powerful tool for students who are disenfranchised from their education that encourages them to own their learning and development.
