Paper Summary

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Child-Level Predictors of Boys' and Girls' Trajectories of Relational, Verbal, and Physical Victimization

Tue, April 12, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 145 B


The purpose of this study is to: (1) identify separate trajectories for physical, relational, verbal, overall, and total victimization from 1st grade to 4th grade and (2) examine child-level risk and protective factors that predict identified trajectories. We will also explore gender differences for both trajectories and predictors of trajectory membership. Using child and teacher report measures, data were collected for 182 children (boys = 90). Latent Growth Mixture Modeling was used to identify victimization trajectories and will be used to determine risk and protective factors that predict membership in the identified victimization trajectories. Preliminary results indicate that boys and girls differ in both the number and form of trajectories for each type of victimization.
