Session Submission Summary

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Multiple Approaches to Cross-Cultural Mathematics Education Studies: Advancing Understanding of Teaching as a Cultural Activity

Mon, April 11, 2:45 to 4:15pm, Marriott Marquis, Floor: Level Two, Marquis Salon 8

Session Type: Symposium


There is growing awareness that to improve teaching mathematics, one needs to understand the cultural context to be able to grasp teaching as a cultural activity. It is also known that cultural scripts are hard to see from inside the culture and that cross-cultural studies might enable researchers to identify and characterize such cultural scripts. This symposium presents three papers, each applying a particular approach to undertaking cross-cultural studies in mathematics education. Two discussants, from different regions of the world, both with extensive experience in cross-cultural research, will add commentaries and prompt discussion. By bringing together different approaches, lenses, and findings, this symposium aims to advance understanding of the complexities and our capabilities to improve teaching mathematics.

Sub Unit


