Session Submission Summary

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What Is True About Grit: Relations With Self-Regulation and Motivation and New Innovative Interventions

Sat, April 9, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level Two, Room 207 A

Session Type: Symposium


Researchers have demonstrated that students’ motivation and self-regulation predict their achievement in different areas, beyond the effects of cognitive factors like IQ. One such construct that has received much attention in recent years is grit, which Duckworth and colleagues defined as individuals’ perseverance in pursuing long term goals. They and others have shown that grit predicts a variety of achievement outcomes, and researchers are developing interventions to improve students’ grit. Although grit is conceptually and methodologically related to constructs studied in the self-regulation, engagement, and motivation fields, researchers have not explored the relations among these constructs in diverse samples. The purpose of this symposium is to present recent work assessing these relations, along with results of recent grit intervention studies.

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