Session Submission Summary

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The International Politics of Knowledge Mobilization: The Intersection of Funding Agencies, International Organizations, Epistemic Communities, and Policy Entrepreneurs

Tue, April 12, 8:15 to 9:45am, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 103 B

Session Type: WERA Symposium


Within the context of globalization, policy entrepreneurs, international organizations and the networks that connect them are increasingly influential in the production and international dissemination of knowledge, particularly when it comes to research knowledge related to privatization or quasi-market reforms in education, though few studies have examined this influence. This panel responds by presenting four papers that characterize and problematize how research is brokered, mediated, and mobilized by such actors, and with what effects and implications. In summary, the panel focuses on (a) the research brokering activity of social science funding agencies in multiple countries, (b) the institutionally-embedded epistemic communities that mobilize pro-privatization education research, and (c) the production and mediating roles of World Bank policy entrepreneurs in promoting quasi-market policies.

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