Session Submission Summary

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To Devolve, Democratize, and Redistribute: Investigating Implementation of California's Historic Local-Control Funding Formula

Mon, April 11, 11:45am to 1:15pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 146 A

Session Type: Symposium


In 2013, California adopted the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), landmark legislation that empowers school districts to engage the community and enhance services for high-needs students through new flexibility, weighted student funding, and local accountability. Given the dramatic shift represented by and investment in this policy, it is critical to understand how LCFF is playing out in districts and the extent to which it is achieving intended goals. In this symposium, we present emerging empirical research on the implementation, and early impact of LCFF, drawing on analyses of district budgets and plans, as well as in-depth fieldwork. Discussion following the presentations will provide opportunities for panelists and audience members to further examine these important topics.

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