Session Submission Summary

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"Dangers Seen, Unseen, and Unforeseen": The Experiences of Black Male Researchers Interviewing K–12 Black Males

Sat, April 9, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 155

Session Type: Symposium


According to Milner (2007) there are dangers “seen, unseen, and unforeseen” when researchers fail to give critical attention to their own and others’ “racialized and cultural systems of coming to know, knowing and experiencing the world” (p. 388). In honor of AERA’s centennial theme which focuses on a century of democracy and research, and given the U.S. climate where the schooling experiences of African American males is considered a “crisis” in need of immediate, strategic solutions that advance our democracy, this panel utilizes the critically reflective experiences of Black male researchers engaging in research with K-12 Black males to underscore nuances in qualitative research where traditional research methods are imposed for exploring the racialized schooling experiences of Black boys.

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