Session Submission Summary

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The Global Education Industry: Emerging Edu-Businesses and Education Markets

Sun, April 10, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 147 B

Session Type: Symposium


The emergence of a discernable global education industry (GEI) is evident in teaching, support services, curriculum development, assessment, preparation and training, and in education policymaking. As part of the World Yearbook on Education 2016’s focus on GEI, the panel includes a selection of papers dealing specifically with the rise of global edu-businesses and edu-markets. The panel will consider the ways that the GEI represents a market “sector,” how globalization within this sector compares to other sectors, and varies by region, nation, and sub-sector. The papers will shine light on the appeal of this sector for privatizers in both rich and developing countries, highlighting global aspects of this trend in areas such as philanthropic and corporate penetration of education policymaking.

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