Session Submission Summary

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Teaching and Learning in Politically Charged Classrooms: Negotiating Tensions and Opportunities for Democratic Education

Sun, April 10, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Marriott Marquis, Floor: Level Two, Marquis Salon 10

Session Type: Symposium


This international symposium generates new scholarship on teaching for democracy in dramatically diverse local contexts. We examine classrooms as politically charged spaces – suffused with inherent tensions of teaching that are intensified by sociopolitical conflicts. These tensions generate both dilemmas and opportunities. The papers probe how teachers and students negotiate these charged spaces and create dynamics that work for and against democratic engagement in the classroom. These four qualitative research papers represent contexts ranging across primary and secondary schools in different regions of the U.S., Israel, and Cyprus. They will stimulate critical discussion about how we educate students for diverse democracies in the face of political forces that threaten them.

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