Session Submission Summary

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Fear Appeals: What Are They and What Happens When Educators Use Them?

Sun, April 10, 8:15 to 9:45am, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 145 A

Session Type: Symposium


Fear Appeals are motivational messages used by teachers to highlight the negative consequences of failure e.g. If you do not work hard, you will not get the grades you need to get to college. Evidence suggests that using Fear Appeals largely undermines motivation, performance and creates anxiety. However, certain student characteristics can buffer the negative effects of Fear Appeals and for some students, Fear Appeal messages can lead to positive outcomes. In this symposium, we will outline early work in the field of Fear Appeals in Education, discuss specific studies that help us understand the effects of fear appeals on motivation and performance; look at individual differences, and finally suggest some of the implications of the findings for practice.

Sub Unit


