Session Submission Summary

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PDC29: Accessing, Exploring, and Using the National Center for Education Statistics Data Tools and Data Collections

Mon, April 11, 1:00 to 5:00pm, Convention Center, Floor: Level One, Room 152 B

Session Type: Professional Development Course


The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has several state-of-the-art data tools that allow users to access and analyze data. This mini course provides participants with a comprehensive overview of those tools to access data sets. Participants will learn how to access public-use and restricted-use data sets, create reports and data tables, find published reports, and conduct analyses in selected statistical tools. NCES offers a large variety of national, state, local, school and student data sets, including assessment data, cross-sectional data, survey data, and administrative records, and participants will better understand which data sets cover their educational topic of interest. The course is designed for graduate students, faculty members, researchers, and other users interested in using NCES data for their research studies, evaluations, and data projects. Participants are not required to have any pre-requisite skills to attend. A laptop is required for interactive, in-class activities.

Sub Unit
